Standard Genogram Format
Download Link: InstallGenoProGenogram.exe (6 MB)
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Personal Message from Monica McGoldrick
GenoPro is the best genogram available and we have been using it for the past 8 years.
Until now GenoPro is still not available for Macs, however we have had to
adjust our Macs to run GenoPro.
I am personally using Parallels to run GenoPro 2018.
Our Mac consultant, Ben Forest, who has been working with us for many years is available to help you with the installation of GenoPro on your Mac.
You may contact him at We urge you to invest in this software, as it is the best available and being improved continuously.
Monica McGoldrick
Founder and Director
Multicultural Family Institute
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This is a special version of GenoPro designed to create genograms
with standard symbols. This
version does not have more features or less features than the version at the
home page, however the default settings are preset to create
genograms rather than family trees. If you have already install GenoPro and wish to see the toolbar
below, use the Options dialog from the
Tools menu and check the option Display Genogram Symbols for Family

Preset Values for InstallGenoProGenogram.exe
Both versions GenoPro and GenoPro Genogram are capable to
display identical genograms, however this version has the following settings
preset at the installation. If you have already installed GenoPro, then
InstallGenoProGenogram.exe will do nothing; instead, you have to use the
Options dialog from the Tools menu and
check all the Genogram Options.
Preset Values:
- Genogram Dialog. GenoPro
has a special tab to create genograms. This dialog allows the user to enter
the sexual orientation and gender identity. Also, this dialog is a great
time saver because nearly all the genogram data is on a single window.
- Genogram Dates.
GenoPro displays the year of birth to the left and the year of death to the
Family Relationships. GenoPro displays a simplified list of family
relationships and also the toolbar above. You need to restart GenoPro to
see the changes in the toolbar.
- When you request an evaluation key using
InstallGenoProGenogram.exe, you receive a free 180-day evaluation key
instead of a 14-day evaluation key with GenoPro.
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