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GenoPro: A practical solution for Nurse Practitioners

GenoPro offers a solution for gathering medical and psychosocial information from your patients in an accessible format. As a result of using GenoPro, you will have a better understanding of the context of the symptoms your patients present during their medical visits.  

The nurse practitioner from any area of practice, such as primary care, women's health, paediatrics, geriatrics, psychiatry, and in any setting, such as hospitals, clinics, schools, industries, communities and home, requires a tool that provides a comprehensive assessment of the patient and the factors that affect their health. Nowadays, Nurse Practitioners play a large role in evaluating patients and detecting problems. In some rural areas, nurses admit patients to hospital and manage their care, referring only the most critical patients to distant medical centres. In all these situations, the medical genogram is a valuable tool that can be used by nurses to provide a comprehensive, holistic picture of the patient and his environment.  

GenoPro allows you to create medical genograms that go beyond the simple medical pedigree. Standard symbols and codes have been developed so that genograms can be read and interpreted systematically like an electrocardiogram. You may also develop your own symbols as seen in the legend below. GenoPro also allows you generate detailed reports with a simple click of the mouse.  

Example of Genogram medical symbols
Medical genogram symbols examples


GenoPro allows you to understand the genetic disposition of individuals for certain diseases. The genogram graphically portrays inherited risk for specific health problems and suggests strategies for the assessment and care of these health problems. For example, a 30-year-old woman with a breast mass and a family history of premenopausal breast cancer would require early mammography and extra patient education and reassurance. Displaying family illness patterns can pave the way for patient education about lifestyle modification. Highlighting a family tendency to develop diabetes and hypertension may provide you with a tool to promote well-being and to encourage the patient to exercise regularly and lose weight.  


Genograms also provide a visual display of the family and the complexities of family relationships. They provide a quick visual reference of various categories of family information that has been shown to play a role in illness: family structure, pattern repetition in families, family relationship patterns, and family balance and imbalance. For example, a genogram may demonstrate that a 21-year-old male patient who suffers from severe anxiety attacks was abandoned by his mother at the age of six, underlining key issues to discuss in patient counseling. Displaying family relationships communicates strongly to the patient that you believe family factors influence health, that you understand that illness affects the family, and that you are open to discussions on family matters. They will also give you a tool for assessing the possibilities for home care. For example, a 78-year-old widowed woman who is having difficulty with independent living and who has a son with whom she has a hostile relationship and an estranged daughter who lives overseas will require social assistance and placement in a community care centre as family support cannot be expected.  

A practical solution

Genograms can be done during the initial visit with almost every new patient. Doing a genogram puts patients at ease by elevating them from the subordinate patient role into a more comfortable role of expert (on their own families). The ability of the elderly client to actively participate in the genogram process can also give assessment data about the client's functioning in sensoriperception, memory, functional communication, fine motor skills, and behavioral domains. Once a genogram is entered in the medical record, it provides a highly organized and easily visualized method of displaying and communicating information to other health-care professionals, such as the specialists you may refer your patients to. The genogram is an assessment tool that enhances intervention strategy and communication in the patient's record. It augments treatment planning, care provision, health promotion and prevention, as well as cost management. By using GenoPro, you will be able to quickly evaluate what needs can be satisfied by family resources and what medical and social resources will need to be provided.  

For more details, consult this article by the American Family Physician Journal:

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