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Gedcom Import / Export

What is a Gedcom File?
Gedcom, an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunication, is a specification for exchanging genealogical data between different genealogical systems.
Source Wikipedia

If you have created your family tree with a different software and you would like to visualize it, or if you want to convert your Gedcom file to Html, GenoPro is your solution. You can also export your genealogy data from GenoPro and use it with another genealogy tool.

Gedcom Import

To import a Gedcom document, use the menu File > Import File...

 Gedcom Import Dialog  
Gedcom Import dialog


Type the filename of the family tree you want to import. The file can have any extension (something other than .ged), but it must have valid Gedcom content.

Tip Instead of typing the filename, you can drag & drop your file from Windows Explorer into this dialog.

Import Full Gedcom File

Import the entire Gedcom file into the current document.

Import Section of the Gedcom File

If your Gedcom file is too large, you may wish to import only a fragment of it.  The fundamental idea here is to specify an individual of interest and import relevant data for this individual.

  • Individual or Family ID: Specify the Gedcom ID (known as the XREF) to import.  If you do not know the ID, you can use the Select button to browse the Gedcom file.  

  • Include all Ancestors: Import all the ancestors of the individual. Use this option if you wish to extract the ancestor tree of a specific individual.  

  • Include all Descendents: Import all the descendents of the individual. Use this option if you wish to extract the descendent tree of a specific individual.  

  • Include individuals and families within a distance of x generations.  Use this option if you wish to extract the surrounding families/individuals of a specific individual. GenoPro combines this option to the Ancestor and Descendent tree, meaning that you can import the ancestor tree and all the individuals within a distance of x generations.  


Gedcom import options  
Gedcom Import options

Charset / CodePage

Non-English users may encounter issues related to CodePage. By default, GenoPro will Auto-Detect the code page of the file before importing its data. If the information is not imported properly, for example, accents or letters are clearly wrong, you may select the appropriate CodePage of the file.

Skip AutoArrange

By default, after importing the Gedcom data, GenoPro will AutoArrange the entire tree for display. When importing large Gedcom files, this may cause serious issues. With this option, you can skip the AutoArrange function to stop GenoPro from placing the individuals in a graphical family tree. The end result will be a GenoMap with individuals placed with a fixed distance of separation.

If you use all default setting, you can just open the Gedcom file or drag & drop into GenoPro without using this dialog.

Gedcom Import FAQ

Q: After importing, I get overlapping branches. What can I do?
A: Use the toolbar buttons   Toolbar buttons to select branches of a genealogy tree   to select one overlapping branch of the tree and move it with the mouse to another location or to another GenoMap.

Q: I am unable to scroll or view the genealogy tree.
A: You must have imported a very large Gedcom file. GenoPro is limited to coordinates between -32,768 and +32,767 on Windows 95 and Windows 98.

Technical Note:

To guarantee the preservation of the last name, a decision was made to import individual's names in the following format "FirstName/LastName/MiddleName". 

Gedcom Export

You can export your genealogy tree in Gedcom format from the File menu. Simply select the menu item Export > Export to GEDCOM format... and enter the filename of the genealogy tree you want to export.

Gedcom Export Dialog  
Gedcom Export dialog

GenoPro can export your genealogy tree in the ANSEL encoding if needed. This encoding is second in the Charset list. 

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