Individual Birth Properties
Store information on the birth of the individual.
Example of the Birth Tab for an Individual
Birth information
Date of Birth
The official date of birth of the individual. In the situation where the
individual is not yet born, this field should be left empty.
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In GenoPro all dates can be partial, if you don't know the day or even the month
of the date, you can enter only the year.
Ex.: "Jan 2006" or "2006" is a valid date. | | | | |
Place of Birth
The place where the birth occurred. The concept of places is pretty general;
it can go from the name of the hospital to the name of the country.
The reference where this information has been taken from.
This field is used to store the name of the doctor or midwife who helped
with the baby delivery.
Pregnancy Length
This field illustrates if there was a premature birth or a late birth. This
information may be valuable in a medical genogram or if the child dies at an
early age.
Blood Type
The individual's blood type. Values can be: O, O+, O-, A, A+, A-, B, B+, B-,
AB, AB+, AB- and Unknown.
Religious Record information
Ceremony Type
The type of the ceremony is: Baptism, Brith-Milah
(circumcision), Christening, Confirmation, None, Other and Unknown.
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Baptism: a ceremonial application of water as a rite of initiation or cleansing. | | | | |
Date of Ceremony
The date on which the ceremony took place.
Place of Ceremony
The physical place where the ceremony occurred. Many family ceremonies can
occur at the same place so you can pick the place from the list or create a
new one. 
Official title & Name
The official person who performed the ceremony for the individual. Official
titles in the list are Attorney, Bishop, Canon, Curate, Dean, Doctor,
Father, Minister, Notary, Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, Reverend and Vicar.
Godfather & Godmother
The person who serves as a sponsor for a child at the ceremony. You must
create a record for those individuals to have more than just their names in
Reference used for the ceremony information.
General comments or additional information about the birth of the
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