Occupation Properties
Occupation of the individual such as his/her profession, job title, student
status or any other information relevant to the work accomplished can be added in the occupation tab dialog.

Occupation Properties dialog
Occupation Details
Job Title / Profession
Title of the occupation.
Industry Sector
Select the job category from the list of industry sectors.
- Accommodation & Food Services (hotels, restaurants, bars)
- Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting (dairy, vegetable, grain,
crops, gardening, landscaping, flower production, forestry handling)
- Culture, Entertainment, Tourism, Sports & Recreation (travel, vacations,
film making, theater, musicians)
- Construction (houses, buildings, bridges, airports, architects &
- Educational Services (teaching, training, coaching)
- Finance & Insurance (banks, money lenders, brokerage, investments,
insurance, accounting)
- Health Care and Social Service (hospitals, doctors, dental, nursing and
care facilities, therapy, counseling)
- Manufacturing & Production (all kinds of products including food,
beverages, wood, machinery, industrial supply)
- Media & Information (newspapers, books, radio, TV, internet, magazines,
telephone, telecommunications, advertising, marketing)
- Mining & Energy (coal, gas, oil exploration, energy production and
distribution, atomic energy)
- Other Services (laundry, hairdresser, religious, housekeeper/maid,
non-specific repair service)
- Professional, Scientific, Technical Services (research & development,
consulting, management, legal, security)
- Public Administration (all levels of government, military, police)
- Real Estate, Rental & Leasing (including property management)
- Sales (wholesale, retail, trade, import & export)
- Transportation & Warehousing (transportation of any goods including
postal services - air, rail, subway, ship, truck, bus)
Company / Employer
The name of the company or the employer for the job.
Work Place
Location where the job took place.

Work Type
Select the individual involvement in the job. The value must be picked from
this list:
- Full Time
- Part Time
- Seasonal / Summer Job
- Temporary Contract
- Internship
- Training
- Charity / Volunteer
- Other
Start, End Date & Duration
The period during which the person worked or was involved in the job.
Specify the start and the end date or the duration, if you do not know when
the job started. For instance, you could know that your uncle worked in a
mine for ten years, but you are not sure which decade it was.
How and why the job has been been terminated. The possible values are:
- Still Working
- End of Contract
- Quit
- Resigned
- Fired
- Retirement
- Other
Add any extra information related to this job such as working environment,
team, supervisor, etc.
Occupation History
The lower section lists all the occupations or positions held by the
individual throughout his/her life.
Occupations can be edited, removed, placed in order and sorted as you wish.
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