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Upgrading GenoPro

We recommend upgrading your version of GenoPro when a newer version is available.  Each new version is easier to use and more powerful than the previous one.

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We would really like to share with you the new features we have added in GenoPro, so we are giving a free upgrade to GenoPro 2011 to everyone who purchased our product.  GenoPro 2011 has special instruction to read all its previous file formats for honoring backward compatibility.  For instance, GenoPro 2011 can read all .xml file from any beta as well as opening any .gno file written by version ranging from 1.00 to 1.99c.

You will not loose any information by upgrading.  We already have thousands of users who upgraded to GenoPro Beta and no problem has ever been reported.  If you upgrade from a Beta to GenoPro 2011 and have deleted some files, you may have to download the specific Beta which created the file so GenoPro 2011 can open your family tree.

GenoPro has two mechanism to ensure data integrity:

  1. If you open a file from a previous version of GenoPro, you may get a dialog about incorrect file version.
  2. If you open a file from a future version of GenoPro, you may get a dialog about possible data loss.

GenoPro displays a log for each error encountered when opening a file.  If you don't see a log, it is because the file was opened without errors and without warnings.  Errors are very rare, as they occurs when a file has been corrupted by a hardware problem or by a third party application that has modified the .gno file.  When GenoPro encounters unknown data, it warns you by creating user-defined tags to store the information.


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