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Incorrect File Version

You are receiving this message because you are trying to open a .gno file without the corresponding version of GenoPro. There are two possible scenarios why this message appears:

  1. You are opening a .gno file with the Fast Save option enabled.
  2. You are opening a .gno file saved with GenoPro Beta.

GenoPro Beta Compatibility

GenoPro 2007 has been though 20 major Betas, resulting in almost 20 different file formats. The only way to convert your data to the newest .gno file format is by keeping the .xml file created by the Beta which saved the file. If you deleted or lost the .xml file you can still convert your data by re-installing the old Beta version and re-saving your file.  The action of saving your file will automatically create the compatible .xml file necessary for GenoPro 2007 to open it.

GenoPro will display the following dialog if you try to open a file from an unknown version:

The Incorrect File Version dialog tells you what version of GenoPro created the .gno file.
The Incorrect File Version dialog tells you what version of GenoPro was used to create the .gno file

GenoPro can locate the file you need to download in order to install the version of GenoPro needed to open the .gno file (and convert it to GenoPro 2007).

GenoPro will locate the correct installation to open your file
GenoPro will locate the correct version to open your file
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