If you previously purchased GenoPro, then you are eligible to upgrade your license of GenoPro 2020 for only $15.
*GenoPro is delivered electronically. Your purchase receipt includes a permanent registration key with a link to download and update GenoPro at your convenience. To maximize customer satisfaction, we maintain a database of emails and registration keys. All you need is remembering your email address in order to recover your purchased registration key. By visiting http://www.genopro.com/login/, you can request the server to re-send your registration key by email. Using our service to recover a lost registration key is much faster than searching for a purchased CD and/or a CD jewel box. Before purchasing GenoPro, we encourage you to try it first. We give everyone the opportunity to request a free 14-day evaluation key where all the features of GenoPro are enabled.
** The full amount of your purchase of GenoPro 2020 will be credited towards GenoProX (when available).