The best genealogy software for drawing family trees and genograms.
GenoPro is the most intuitive and complete family tree and genogram creation tool.
A genogram is a family tree that includes additional information about the relationships and the individuals. Genograms are used by doctors, family therapists, genealogists, sociologists, social workers, researchers, and anyone who is interested in discovering patterns and issues in a family. Learn more about genograms by clicking here.
GenoPro makes it easy to build simple family trees, but it also allows you to easily and quickly build complex family trees. Not all families are simple.
Quote 24 of 60 “ [...] I couldn't help myself and downloaded it some time in the middle of the night. It's your fault I'm now at work on only 1 hour sleep. I am way to old for pulling all nighters! But from what I saw, it is sooooooo much better. Great work! And thanks for encouraging me to try out [the new GenoPro Beta].” Jeannie Carpenter, M.S., MH/DA TherapistNorthwestern Human Services, West Chester University
“ [...] I couldn't help myself and downloaded it some time in the middle of the night. It's your fault I'm now at work on only 1 hour sleep. I am way to old for pulling all nighters! But from what I saw, it is sooooooo much better. Great work! And thanks for encouraging me to try out [the new GenoPro Beta].”
Jeannie Carpenter, M.S., MH/DA TherapistNorthwestern Human Services, West Chester University