Problem Spotter
The Problem Spotter is a new feature of GenoPro 2016. By default, the
Problem Spotter runs automatically in the background and finds potential
errors in your family tree / genogram. The
Problem Spotter may also be handy to find potential errors in
Gedcom files created by other genealogy software's.
The Problem Spotter is available from the Tools menu (you may also
double-click on the bottom-right icon or press Ctrl+E), you will get the
following window:
The potential problems are listed into two categories: Data and
Potential Errors With Data
Data problems are related with the data, typically by analyzing the dates
to find potential errors:
- An individual is older than 120 years and still living typically
because you forgot to mark him/her as deceased. Of course this may
not be an error, as some individuals may live older than 120 years, or
you are building a family tree of a specie living much longer than
humans. The typical solution to this problem is to mark the
individual as deceased by pressing the letter X or using the
context menu.
- An individual died older than 120 years old. This is very
similar as the potential problem above, however the error is typically
the date of birth is incorrect or the date of death is incorrect.
The solution is to check both dates and correct the one(s) which is
- An individual died before his/her birth.
- An individual is not linked to anyone in the family tree. This
happens if you insert an individual in the family tree and he/she is not
a parent or a child of anyone. Of course it may not be an error,
but it is usually a sign something is missing in your family tree.
- Twins should have the same date of birth.
- Children having the same date of birth should be twins.
- A child was born within less than 9 month of his older sibling.
Typically, biological children should be born at least 9 months apart.
Of course if you are doing the pedigree tree of rabbits, please ignore
this problem.
- A child was born before his/her father or mother was born.
- A child was born when his father/mother was very young (10 years
old). Of course there are exceptions, however being a father or
mother at the age of 10 is quite rare and likely (and preferably) to be
an error in the family tree.
- A child was born after his mother died.
- A child was born 9 months after his father died.
- An individual married before his birth or after his death.
- Pets are always adopted. By the way, in
GenoProX, pets
will have their own 'object' and will be treated differently. In
fact, GenoProX will be capable to create genuine animal pedigrees.
- A family has too many parents. A family typically has a mother
and a father.
- Children have a family but without parents.
- Same-sex parents having biological children. The fix is to
change the pedigree link
from biological child to adopted child as gay couples cannot
produce biological children.
- There is a duplicate pedigree link. This means the individual
is linked twice as a child or parent to the same family. This
information is redundant; just delete the extra pedigree link.
Potential Errors With Display
Display problems are related to how the individuals and families are
displayed in the family tree. Typical display errors are objects
overlapping, or children being displayed incoherently with respect to their
date of births.
- The individuals are overlapping. Sometimes two individuals of
identical gender and size are at the same position in the family tree,
making it impossible to visually see them. The solution is to
click on one individual and move him/her around to see if there is
nothing else around. Another solution to find overlapping is to
click on the right-most column in the Problem Spotter. The
presence of an icon in the right-most column indicates the 'other'
related to the problem. In the case of overlapping objects, if you
click on that icon, GenoPro will select the other object overlapping
with the first object.
- The families are overlapping. The horizontal line of each
family should not overlap. In the earlier versions of GenoPro, before the
auto-stretch, the family lines had to be manually stretched with the
mouse, resulting in many overlapping due to user omission.
- The siblings are displayed in a different order than their date of
birth. In a family tree, the children should be displayed from
oldest to youngest, where the oldest child is at the left and youngest
at the right.
- The parent should appear above the family line. In a family
tree, the parents are displayed above their children.
- The child should appear below the family line.
- The child appear outside of the family line. All children
should be visually 'connected' to their family line.
In GenoPro 2016, the potential errors listed by the Problem Spotter
cannot be ignored which may be annoying to see the same false error again
and again. For GenoProX, you will have the option to ignore problem(s)
and GenoPro will save them into a 'ignore list' inside the file, so you do
not see the false error anymore.
| | | | You may run the Problem Spotter on a selection rather than your entire
family tree. Simply select a group of individuals or a branch of your
family tree, right-click to get the context menu and select Problem Spotter,
or press Ctrl+E. | | | | |
You may also disable the automatic problem spotter in the Options
dialog from the Tools menu.