Family Relationships in genograms
Family relationships are used to describe the union of two individuals.
In GenoPro, a union is
defined as the combination of two adult individuals joined for the purpose of creating a family unit. This union may be
strong, such as marriage or non-existent, such as divorce. GenoPro defines 22 types of unions:
Family Relationships in genograms Key
Each type of family relationship is described in the table below:
This family relationship represents a married couple. There is no special symbol to distinguish a civil marriage
from a religious marriage. This information is easily added to the family properties.
This is the generic symbol to describe a married couple who is no longer living
together. A separation is displayed by a single oblique bar.
The married couple is separated and has begun legal procedure for an eventual divorce. If you know that a
couple is separated, but you are not sure at what point they are in the legal procedure, it is recommended to
use the separation in fact symbol.
The married couple has been granted a divorce.
The marriage was annulled. This is a rare case and legally, it signifies that the marriage never really took
place. However, it could be useful to include an annulled marriage in the genogram.
One of the spouse died while the two individuals were married. Use this symbol only when the surviving spouse re-married,
otherwise everyone in your ancestry will be widowed.
The two individuals are planning to marry. This status is often achieved by an exchange of engagement rings or an engagement party.
The two individuals that where planning to marry and have broken their engagement and are no longer planing to marry.
Same as above, except the individuals are living together before the wedding.
There is a legal paper trail about the cohabitation. The two individuals have a written contract about the
cohabitation status, involving benefits such as parental responsibility, common ownership, and inheritance.
The two individuals no longer live together, and are involved in the process of terminating their cohabitation contract.
The two individuals no longer live together and have officially and legally terminated their cohabitation contract.
Although there is no legal definition of cohabitation, it generally means to live under the same roof as a couple,
without being married. Use this relationship to define the generic common law spouse. There is no such thing
as illegal cohabitation!
The generic symbol for two individuals no longer living together.
A relation where two individuals live together, but there is no exchange of affection. This could be said of a couple who do not share a bedroom.
A relation where two individuals used to live together, but there is was no exchange of affection. This could be said of a couple who did not share a bedroom. They no longer live together.
The action of seeing someone or dating. This does not involve any type of cohabitation
The two individuals are no longer dating. This could be called ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend. Be aware, the term ex-boyfriend and
ex-girlfriend may also be used for cohabitation and separation
This is the polite term for having a mistress or a one night stand. Include this type of relationship in the
genogram if a child results from such a relationship.
One individual is abusing or has abused the other individual, including including date-rape, drug-rape, and wife-rape.
This type of relationship is mostly used in therapy or when a child was the product of such relationship.
A relationship not specified in the list above or unknown to the creator of the genogram. Use this symbol to
highlight a unusual type of relationship.
Since GenoPro does not create information, a blank value is used to describe an unspecified relationship when
creating a new family. This is the symbol used by GenoPro to indicate the user has not yet specified the
type of relationship.
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A family has always two parents. Use the appropriate family relationship symbol to describe the status of the family. For instance, a
single parent family (single mother or single father) is still a result of the union of two individuals, however one individual left. If a new partner or spouse is replacing one parent, create a new family to describe the relationship of the new couple. For more information, read rules to build a genogram.
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