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GenoPro: A practical solution for planners

Ice breaker

Do you need a good activity to get everyone involved at your event? If you are organizing a professional development workshop, a diversity training session, a team building seminar or a family retreat, GenoPro has a solution for you. As an event planner, your goal is to warm the participants up to one another and make the event a success. The best way to do this is to get all your participants to share significant personal experiences by bringing in their family genogram.

Prior to your event, send your participants the link to GenoPro where they can download a free trial-version of the program. Give them the task to create a three-generation genogram of their family, or an organizational chart of their workplace, adding in social and emotional relationships. This should only take about 20-30 minutes, as GenoPro is very user-friendly.

At the beginning of your event, separate the participants into small groups and get them to present their genograms to one another, sharing stories about family or colleagues. You can give them themes to discuss such as their ethnic heritage, rites of passage, or their career goals; the possibilities are endless. Watch as participants become eager to share details of their own imperfect family with others, and see how quickly barriers are broken, laughter erupts, and bonds are created. By creating a warm, friendly, personal learning environment, the attendees will participate and learn more.

Learning tool

Depending on the type of event you are organizing, you may be able to make use of these genograms in other activities. Genograms can be used as tools to facilitate the process of gaining self-knowledge, to identify strengths in a group in order to reinforce skills and resources already built up, and to identify issues that could create difficulties within a family or office unit. For example, if you are hosting a seminar for family therapists, you can use their genograms to show them that they bring their own baggage of unfinished family business into their practice. They may have forgotten to deal with some of their own issues as they became involved with their clients problems. Not only will genograms help them come to terms with their own issues, but they may be able to use them as a tool to assess families that come to them for help.

Organizational tool

If you are in charge of pairing up drivers and passengers in a carpool, or roommates for an event or for a whole year in college dorms, GenoPro can offer you a quick solution for doing it right. First, hand out a questionnaire to gather pertinent information. After creating a legend of color-coded symbols to identify the features that are important in pairing people (such as type of personality, music preferences, car ownership, etc.), create individuals in the genogram, and add in their information. Their age and gender will appear automatically, and the colored dots will make it a breeze to see who would get along.

Example of symbols for event planners   
Genogram symbols examples

A practical solution

As a planner, you are responsible for the success of an event or an arrangement. GenoPro offers you a planning solution that can do so much for you. It can help you gather information in a visual format, organize your participants into groups, and plan engaging and insightful activities people will really enjoy. When all is over, you can print a report on all the information you have gathered. Youll never go back to paper and pencils again!

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