The following unsolicited testimonials are quotes from emails sent to
GenoPro and/or from postings on the web.
Quote #1
GenoPro 2 is a great program, and the gulf between it and the existing genealogy programs on the market is truly vast, and growing with every beta. Keep up the good work, and I hope you can bring a full release to market soon. 
Quote #2
This Family Tree has been created using GenoPro Beta. This is by far, the best Genealogy software I have ever come across. 
Stu Mason Homepage of a GenoPro Customer
Mason Family Tree Home Page
Quote #3
Everything you need to start building a comprehensive family file with great charts and HTML reports - GenoPro 2007 is on the coverdisc. 
Your Family Tree Magazine, Issue #48 UK
Quote #4
GenoPro is a must for any novice or advanced Genealogist. If you are serious about buying a piece of genealogy software that will help you manage your family tree information then there is only one place to go: Genealogy software rating for GenoPro is 5 stars for superb value for money. 
Software Reviewer Tyne & Wear, UK
Quote #5
We use GenoPro to create company organizational charts. It’s flexible and allows us to associate various properties (such as contact information, etc) to each person. it’s easy to use, printable, you can publish to HTML – overall, we love it.” 
Tom Demers WordStream, Inc. Boston, MA
Quote #6
I have been using GenoPro since before the betas and bought GenoPro Gold at that time and have been continually amazed and delighted by the Beta updates once I had discovered them. I don't know what I would have done without this incredible software and have been able to help quite a few of my cousins and other researchers by recommending they try it, all of whom have been delighted with it. 
Iain Tait GenoPro Customer France
Quote #7
I'll have to plug the (commercial, non-free!) software we're using, which took some time getting used to, but which has proven to be the nicest and most usable interface I've had to deal with in the field of genealogy software. 
Christian Reis (~Kiko), Process Model for Free Software Projects Universidade de São Paulo Sao Carlos, Brazil
Quote #8
I am a new GenoPro customer and I think that your program is awesome. I tried out at least half a dosen highly-ranked competitors and GenoPro is the best program hands-down for people with bilingual trees. 
Ilya Lisansky
Quote #9
Thanks for creating Genopro, and particularly the latest Beta version. I am a professional genealogist, tutor and historical researcher based in England, and regularly use Genopro to produce explanatory diagrams for clients and students. It truly is in a league of its own among family history softwares. It is particularly brilliant for showing all the other (i.e. non-biological) relationships that exist within and around a family. I regularly use it to show disposition of property in wills; in the early modern period, dwellings were often partitioned between children, and such diagrams are invaluable to help explain events and to produce publication-quality charts. Many thanks. 
Peter Foden, MA, Professional Genealogist East Leake, England
Quote #10
My largest commercial print is now 130 x 90 cm (4" by 3" standard architectural width). With 1600 persons (25 generations) they are barely readable. With 300 persons (17 generations) they are readable, but not large. With 100 persons (8 generations) even the elderly could read them.
Thanks for the great output, your program was applauded in our clan meeting! 
Helsingius Finland
Quote #11
I had tried Brother's Keeper, PAF, TreeDraw and finally Legacy which was the best up till then. Then I discovered GenoPro 1, and as primitive as it was there was no going back even though I had to copy and paste the birth, marriage and death places in by hand into each html source code after generating the report! 
IainTait France
Quote #12
I just wanted to say thank your for possibly the most remarkable piece of software I've ever purchased. Definitely worth every cent!
I have been researching my family tree on both my mother and fathers side for over 2 years now. The software has always been easy to use, intuitive, flexible and stable. The addition of the Descendants report allows me to share my information with my family as the trees themselves are too big to print - even though they're split (and hyperlinked) over 10 sheets!!!
Thanks again! 
Mr L. A. De Buys South Africa
Forum Post
Quote #13
GenoPro is probably one of the best Genealogy Software packages on the market today, but where this program is so beneficial for us has been when we create a family tree package for our clients. There are many features that GenoPro has over other Genealogy software but the main feature that we like, is that you can view a completed Family Tree in pedigree tree format. 
Software Reviewer Tyne & Wear, UK
Quote #14
I just wanted to thank you for the continued use of GenoPro.
My graduate students get a lot out of the assignment that they do for my Grieving Family Systems Course.
With Gratitude,

Kirsti A. Dyer MD, MS, FT, Physician, Health Educator Associate Adjunct Professor, Hospice and Palliative Studies Madonna University, Michigan
Quote #15
I didn't really know where to put this, but I did want to let the GenoPro staff know how much I love this product. For me, I'm not so much into genealogy per se, but more into documenting the people in our family whom I've known, especially the ones who have passed on. I don't know about the other products, since I didn't trial them. But I love that I'm able to add lots of photos, comments, audio clips and video clips. And the "one click" web publishing is awesome! Anyway, I've started calling my GenoPro site, my online family album, because to me, that's what it is. And the very cool thing about my online family album is that anyone in my family, anywhere, can see it too!
So I just wanted to say thank you for making such a wonderful product! 
Susan Lindeberg, GenoPro customer posting a comment on the support forum
Quote #16
Having tried practically every other piece of software, I keep coming back to GenoPro as my software of choice, and it's probably due to the elegant way it lets you add family members via the Genogram. 
Peter Shaw, Customer using GenoPro on a Macintosh via VirtualPC Canada
Quote #17
I am another Mac fan of GenoPro and I always recommend it to new found cousins who are PC based, who I have to share data with. I would use a Mac version if one were to be developed. I use "Reunion" family tree program and I would love to see the drawing aspect of Genopro in it. 
Michael De La Motte NTL Southampton, UK
Quote #18
I wanted to get back to you regarding GenoPro and let you know how effective it has been for me in both the classroom and in the therapy arena. Students have NO problem in using it and they are presenting beautiful personality genograms. I am really pleased with it.
I also use it in teaching individual and group therapy, graduate students, and they also find it friendly. Again, thank you for being so generous with the program and updating it so regularly. tom. 
Thomas Treadwell, Ed.D. West Chester University, Department of Psychology West Chester, PA
Collaborative On-Line Research and Learning Over The Internet
Quote #19
I wanted to thank you personally and on the behalf of my students using GenoPro. My graduate students find it user-friendly and very helpful to create family genograms for group therapy. 
Vicente Trindade Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Brazil
Quote #20
The latest Beta program is solid and stable, and has so many features it is impossible to list them all. Of the many genealoggy programs I have seen, none can beat this one in terms of intuitive use, capablities beyond the norm... 
SnapFiles User review
Quote #21
I am perfectly content with the way the program works as it is now and would be happy if this is as far as it ever went. I have been using GenoPro since I found it online for free back in 1998 (I think) and as soon as you offered the Gold subscription, I bought it. It is the only program I have used consistently and I think GenoPro is a fantastic tool!
I applaud your design of emotional relationships in the chart. It goes to show you that your program is very versatile for a wide variety of different users. Nice work! 
K. Scott Rimell
Quote #22
Thanks for the free upgrade. Just wanted to pass on my feedback and let you know that I use Genopro all the time to create professional charts for detailed reports I prepare for Children’s Court investigations and assessments. It has been a first rate product with absolutely no problems or glitches. I am constantly recommending the product to others. Thanks again.
Kind Regards

Grant Thomson Children’s Court investigations and assessments
Quote #23
I have found GenoPro especially usefull as many gedcom files sent to me, made with other software, containted erroneous connections with invalid parent and children links. Most other softwares have this problem as it is easy to make an extra link by mistake and this will not be visible, but with GenoPro it is! 
Iain Tait France
Quote #24
I just love your software and where you are going with it, I really do not have enough time on my hands to study it in detail at the moment, but storing what I already have with over 369 people's in-depth details is great and generating the report within seconds is a dream come true too. 
Chris J. Dixon South Wales, UK
Quote #25
GenoPro is an EXCELLENT product, which has no equal in the market. Just keep up the great work ! 
Danny Nir Israel
Quote #26
WOW!!!!! You have most certainly outdone your self, my friend! My wife and I sat here totally in awe of what you've done. On my "Master" chart, I have 1311 people listed. I ran a Report and it came up within a few seconds. The things you can do within the report is fantastic: photos, families, Moms and Dads, brothers, sisters and grandparents all neatly put into a paragraph.
I can't say enough about how we feel regarding your "little" project.
Best regards and congratulations! 
Arthur and Dorothy Richardson GenoPro Customer #3
Quote #27
I am Professor Ruth A. Kalms at the University of Wisconsin. I was so pleased to see that you have a method for me to connect to you and for our students to use GenoPro for 180 days. My students have used your product for the last four years and have found it very useful and all have finished their projects with very professional appearing genograms. 
Ruth A. Kalms, Professor University of Wisconsin River Falls, WI, USA
Quote #28
Just want to say a big THANK YOU for your advice about how to print my
family tree. I followed your instructions, and my copy shop person was
able to print for me a huge tree on 3 AO sheets which we joined together
making a tree 12 feet (4 meters) long.
This tree was displayed at our recent Family Reunion which was attended
by over 100 family members from all over the world, and it was the star
of the show. the Genopro format makes it so easy to follow
relationships, the whole thing was hugely successful.
So thank you again for your prompt and excellent advice. 
Wilma Davidson UK
Quote #29
You have created a fantastic product and a great service to families all over the world! 
Denise Fornara Jonkoping, Sweden
Quote #30
I've been using GenoPro for over two years now (Beta 11, by my count)... and I've been loving it ever since... 
Timothy Lenz, GenoPro Customer Pennsylvania, USA
Quote #31
[...] GenoPro is a great thing and it is improving with each Beta. 
Yehudad Jerusalem, Israel
Quote #32
Also let me say how much I love this program. The user interface, ability to see family tree immediately on input of data and report functionality is better than any program I've tried. 
Quote #33
It's just a wonderful project that is very flexible for uses other than simple common genealogy. 
Quote #34
I have downloaded and tried all genalogy software available on the net... GenoPro is the best available to create HTML based genalogy web sites. Although there are other products that offer more features and better reports, none offers a customizable HTML pages. Once you get the hank of it, you will find it easy to manipulate. 
Aboluay CNET User
Quote #35
GenoPro is the only genealogy software on the market with all-in-one WYSIWYG editing. This means that the document window shows a genogram of all your family members with all relations (not just family/pedigree view like in almost all other programs), which can be rearranged by drag and drop, if you prefer a custom layout. 
Peter V. Review
Quote #36
Simply the best and most intuitive. The latest Beta program is solid and stable, and has so many features it is impossible to list them all. Of the many genealoggy programs I have seen, none can beat this one in terms of intuitive use, capablities beyond the norm, responsiveness, and in managing complex trees. The price is also excellent. Simply the best.

DannyN Review at
Quote #37
The best genealogy product for the web. I have downloaded and tried all genalogy software available on the net... GenoPro is the best available to create HTML based genalogy web sites. If you are a serious genealogist who wants to have a good web presence, this is your program. 
A. Boluay Review at
Quote #38
GenoPro is one of the most solid genealogy programs on the market. It has yet to crash no matter how much I abuse it. I have been using the program for at least a couple of years now and I am now totally addicted to it. The ability to create complex views of your family tree is unmatched in the industry. Visualizing complex relationships is equally amazing and makes for a more intuitive work environment. I would highly recommend this for anyone from the begginer to the most advanced genealogist. 
Notiones Review at
Quote #39
I've been using GenoPro for about 7 years now and I couldn't be happier with it!! I've tried using Family Tree Maker and like it for generating reports but like GenoPro much, much better for the way it is viewed and the way the information about each person is entered. As far as I am concerned, it just can't be beat! Like I said, I've tried using some other family tree programs but they don't display the tree the way GenoPro does and that's the biggest reason why I won't use them. I LOVE being able to see the whole thing at one time and don't have to jump around and take time trying to understand who is who and how they are related to each other. As far as I am concerned, your program is a stroke of genius! I applaud you long and loud for it!! 
Karla Harp
Quote #40
What a fantastic program! I had never heard of it, but now I have it and
boy, won't it be extremely useful for all the tables it provides. Many,
many thanks! 
Lynette Begg Google Groups Australia
Quote #41
Your program is so much easier to use than the other major program out there. Thank you so much for the quality work you have done. If you ever want a written endorsement for your version 2.0, don't hesitate to ask. 
Professor Henry Virkler, Ph.D. Palm Beach Atlantic University
Quote #42
[...] I have tried mumerous geanology programs and this is the best I have found. 
Wal Rutherford Customer after purchasing GenoPro Australia
Quote #43
Wow you have really done some fantastic things to the report generator. I almost cried it was so beautiful. I can't tell you how happy I am with this software. I LOVE IT. Thanks ever so much. 
Quote #44
The Schizophrenia Research Center had a great need for a program that would create family pedigrees. After trying countless programs and spending an enormous amount of time on this quest, I was fortunate to try Genopro. This application has turned out to be a true blessing. I have become so dependent on this piece of software that I wouldn't think of doing a pedigree without it. The University of Penn. works in conjunction with many other research institutions across the U.S. When/if the opportunity presents itself to recommend a pedigree program, I can assure you that GenoPro comes first to mind. Thanks for a great product! 
Robert T. Witalec, Research Coodinator University of Pennsylvania Neuropsychiatry Dept Philadelphia, USA
Quote #45
I did download the beta 2.0 and I must tell you...I LOVE IT. I am still learning all there is to do with it, but being a die-hard 'Family Tree Maker' user, I think I have been converted. I find GenoPro so easy to use and easy on the eyes...thanks for a wonderful product and I intend to tell all my friends about you and this product. Thanks again. 
Denise Scott Murchison MandM Genealogy Denison, Texas
Quote #46
I must tell you I am so impressed with the upgrades on the software. What a fantastic program. I have used your basic software for the last 6 years and have found it to be the most user-friendly, capable program out there for creating genograms. These upgrades add so much value and I am excited to see them being utilized to help our client families. 
Jill Shipley, Research & Development Analyst Asset Management Advisors
Quote #47
Let me congratulate you on an excellent product. GenPro is easy to use and has enabled me to piece together and extend our family’s knowledge of its ancestors. Many thanks. 
Gwyn Morgan GenoPro Customer Sydney, Australia
Quote #48
I'm very impressed with the detail that GenoPro has put into the Beta. Some of the ideas are very innovative, with the Report Generator, Spreadsheet output, XML output, Places as object, Unicode, and (the one I like the best) allowing entry of Pets. Of course, the GenoMaps is the main innovation upon which the program is based. What is ironic is that despite my really relating to GenoPro programming style and openness, GenoPro appears to be the antithesis of Behold. 
Louis Kessler Genealogy Software Behold
Quote #49
I will be very short: EXCELLENT WORK you've done! The new GenoPro [Beta] gives a lot of possibilities for recording members of familly tree. All the best from Croatia. 
Goran Magos Croatia
Quote #50
I love the ability to build my tree with the GenoPro graph... it has given me hours... years... of pleasure! The html report option with the newer versions are an exciting new feature for me. 
ard Canada
Quote #51
Genopro is by far the most intuitive genealogy software available in the market now. I have been conducting a research to choose the most suitable genealogy software to draw and share my family tree (2500 individuals). Genopro is the one (I am not paid to say that for marketing, I am being honest). 
Joseph Beirut, Lebanon
Quote #52
After a long search with Google I came to GenoPro program. Using Genopro Beta help me so much to create a better family tree diagram. Now, I have a familytree with more than 7000 individuals and researching my family tree is becoming an obssesion for me. 
Steve The Netherlands
Quote #53
After checking out several programs (trial versions), I found out that GenoPro was by far the best, both functionally and visually (tree representation). It offers a lot more than what I expected to find in a genealogy program, it is highly intuitive and has a good help section. 
Stefanos Cyprus
Quote #54
[...] I couldn't help myself and downloaded it some time in the middle of the night. It's your fault I'm now at work on only 1 hour sleep. I am way to old for pulling all nighters! But from what I saw, it is sooooooo much better. Great work! And thanks for encouraging me to try
out [the new GenoPro Beta]. 
Jeannie Carpenter, M.S., MH/DA Therapist Northwestern Human Services, West Chester University
Quote #55
Having worked previously with several different packages, I strongly believe that GenoPro, particularly the Beta version, is the best around. It is very intuitive to use, provides complete control over the display and entry of information, and is well thought-out overall. With the new report generator, and with several more improvements to come out soon, this program will far out-pace the rest. Simply quality software, superb functionality, and a great design. 
Danny Israel
Quote #56
Dear GenoPro Staff, I am so incredibly impressed with your software package, from its user-friendliness, its features, its price, the reliability, etc. WOW ... what a great company this must be!!! 
Rachel Moseley Email from a brand new customer Westchester, New-York
Quote #57
this is one of the best software applications I have come across 
Mark Summerfield, Customer using GenoPro Beta UK
Quote #58
I DO like the way Genopro works, it is far superior to any of the software that many of my friends have. 
Justane GenoPro Customer
Quote #59
Since I teach, amongst other things, a Family Systems course, this software is a wonderful tool for students in creating their own genograms which is an integral assignment in the course. 
Quote #60
For me the big advantage of GenoPro is the ability to inspect visually the genealogical data. This has often helped to sort out linkage problems. 
Peter Beaven London, UK