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GenoPro Screenshots

Presented on this page are a few screenshots of GenoPro.  Click on the image to view the larger version.

genoram with picture
GenoPro displaying a genogram with pictures.
Screenshot of a Japanese family tree.
Customized HTML report of Maru-San.
Creating an emotional relationship.

GenoPro displaying a family tree 
HTML report with interactive SVG content.
Edit family details, including unions and marriages.

Display complex families with multiple spouses

Display all genealogy data in a spreadsheet,
including pictures.

Genogram with emotional and social relationships.

Edit the education history of an individual. 

GenoPro's Table Layout - Useful for editing and
navigating through the genealogy data.

Dialog to edit the properties of an individual.
Legend containing genogram symbols.

User-defined tags are editable in a dialog and
in the Table Layout.

Display multiple family trees simultaneously. 

Modify the display attributes of an individual. 

GenoPro displaying the genogram of Harry Potter.


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