Document.GetTextXML Method
The GetTextXML method returns a Unicode string of the entire document. The returned string includes detailed
information of all GenoMaps, individuals, families, pedigree links, pictures, sources and citations and more.
If you are generating a report and need detailed information about the genealogy tree. If you know how to parse and
use XML, then this method will give you all the data of the genealogy tree.
strTextXML = ReportGenerator.Document.GetTextXML
Performance Notes:
Calling the method GetTextXML is very slow. It is faster than reading the equivalent XML file from disk,
however it requires considerable processing to generate the XML content. As a result, it is recommended to cache the value
in the Session object as the sample code below so you don't have to get the XML string each time you generate
an HTML page.
Better yet is to parse the XML and store the parsed result to the Session
Dim strTextXML strTextXML = Session("strTextXML")
If (IsEmpty(strTextXML)) Then
strTextXML = ReportGenerator.Document.GetTextXML Session("strTextXML") = strTextXML
End If
Other Usage:
You can use the GetTextXML for OLE Automation.<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=VBScript>
Dim docGenoPro
Sub btnOpen_onclick()
Set docGenoPro = CreateObject("GenoPro.Document")
docGenoPro.SetTextXML editSource.Value
End Sub
Sub btnGetText_onclick()
edit2.Value = docGenoPro.GetTextXML
End Sub
Each time the method GetTextXML is called, a new Unicode string is generated containing the complete data for
the document. Since the XML contains caching information, it is possible GetTextXML returns a slightly different
string for the same genealogy tree. For instance, the returned XML string includes image dimension such as width and
height, so if a picture has been loaded since the previous call to GetTextXML , then the following
cache entry will be added to the returned string.
<Picture id="pic00002">
<path relative="..\..\help\MorinFamily.1997.jpg" file_unique="MorinFamily.1997.jpg" report="pictures/MorinFamily.1997.jpg">
<cache path="D:\GenoPro\help\MorinFamily.1997.jpg" sizeKB="13" dimension="223x204" megapixels="0.04" bpp="24" dpi="150" />
<name>The Morin Family in 1997</name>