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TimeSpan Class

The TimeSpan represents and time interval structure. When subtracting dates, the result is a TimeSpan.

The TimeSpan is easy to use, all values are read-only, some properties return the value in string other in integer for maximum   flexibility.

Property Description
Day Return the days of the timespan or an empty string if there are no days.
Month Return the months of the timespan or an empty string if there are no months.
NDay Return the days of the timespan.
NMonth Return the months of the timespan.
NYear Return the number of years in the timespan.
ToString Convert the timespan into a string.
Year Return the number of years of the timespan or an empty string if zero or not present.

Make sure you valid for non-specified value, GenoPro allow Date to be partial, empty string or 0 value often refer to an unspecified value.

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