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Report Class

The Report class encapsulates an output file for the report. For those familiar with ASP, the Report object is the equivalent of the ASP's Response object. The core method of the Report object is Write to append a string to the output stream. GenoPro will automatically write the stream on disk when the script terminates. The following table displays all the methods and properties of the Report object. To simplify the documentation, the parameters of some methods have been omitted and replaced by (...). Those parameters are described at the bottom of this page.

Report Properties

Property Data Type Description
Buffer String Gets the content of the output buffer stream as a Unicode string.
BufferLenght Int Returns the number of Unicode characters in the output buffer stream.
BufferSafeEncoding Bool Makes sure all non-Ascii characters are displayed properly.
FileOutput String Returns the filename where the generated report page will be written.
FileTemplate String Returns the filename containing the template script.
IsTextDirectionRTL Bool Determines if the document is right-to-left text such as Hebrew and Arabic languages.
LoopCollectionName String Returns the name of the loop collection (if any)".
LoopIndex Number Returns the index of the current loop item, or -1 if there is no loop.
LoopItem GenoObject Returns the current object of the loop item, or Nothing if there is no loop.
LoopItemCount Number Returns the number of items in the loop, or zero if there is no loop.
LoopItemName String Return the name of the global variable storing the loop item.
Parameters(strParameterName) String Returns the value of a parameter from the configuration file.
TagBr String Gets of sets the content of the <br /> tag.
TagHyperlink String Changes the default tag name when creating hyperlinks.


Method Description
AbortPage Interrupts the generation of the current HTML page and tells the report generator to start generating the next page.
AbortReport Stops the report generator.
AbortTemplate Interrupts the generation of the current HTML page and skips to the next template.
BufferInsertAt(index, str) Inserts data at a specific position in the buffer stream.
BufferRemoveAt(start, end) Removes a part of the buffer stream.
BufferWriteToFile(fileName, [encoding]) Writes the content of the buffer to a file with an optional encoding.
LogError(strError) Displays an error message for the user. This is useful for troubleshooting.
LogTickCountDelta(strComment) Displays the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the last call to this method.
LogWarning(strMessage) Displays a warning message for the user. This is useful for troubleshooting.
Write(str) Core method to output a string to the report. The string is appended to the output stream buffer until written to disk when the script terminates.
Example: Report.Write "Hello World!"
Write3(str1, str2 [,str3]) The Write3 method will output the strings only if the middle parameter is not empty. If str2 is empty, this method does absolutely nothing.
Write3Br(...) Same as Write3 with a <BR /> appended to the output stream if the second parameter is non-empty.
Write3Ln(...) Similar to Write3 with a newline character is appended to the output stream. The newline is appended only if str2 is not empty.
WriteBr(str) Writes a string to the output stream and append <br />. The <br /> tag is always appended.
WriteFormatted(...) Builds a string according to a format template and write it to the output stream buffer.
WriteFormattedBr(...) Same as WriteFormatted with <br /> appended at the end of the string.
WriteFormattedLn(...) Same as WriteFormatted with a newline (CRLF) appended at the end of the string.
WriteLn(str) Writes a string with followed by a newline character. Since GenoPro runs on a PC, the newline character is the CRLF pair. This method is rarely used in HTML, however can be handy to generate text reports or for generating a script within an HTML file.
WritePhrase(...) Writes a sentence. See Phrase Generator.
WritePhraseDic(...) Writes a sentence based a template in the dictionary. See Phrase Generator.
WritePicture(...) Writes a picture to the report.
WriteT3(...) Similar to Write3 and WriteText3 by encoding the middle parameter into HTML.
WriteT3Br(...) Same as WriteT3 with the <br /> tag appended if the middle parameter is not empty.
WriteText(strText) Encodes the content of strText into HTML before writing it to the output stream.
WriteText3(...) Similar to Write3, however all three parameters are encoded into HTML. If the middle parameter is empty, this method does nothing.
WriteTextBr(strText) Same as WriteText with a <BR /> appended to the output stream. The <br /> tag is always appended.
WriteText3Br(...) Same as WriteText3 with the <br /> tag appended if the middle parameter is not empty.
WriteTextDic(key,...) Same as WriteText but the template is from the dictionary.

Summary of the "Write 3" Methods

All "Write 3" methods have three parameters. This table displays the difference between each method for writing a string or text to the report.

Method Description
Write3(str1, str2 [,str3]) No encoding is performed.
Write3Br(str1, str2 [,str3]) No encoding is performed.
Write3Ln(str1, str2 [,str3]) No encoding is performed.
WriteText3(strText1, strText2 [,strText3]) The encoding is performed on all three parameters.
WriteText3Br(strText1, strText2 [,strText3]) The encoding is performed on all three parameters.
WriteT3(str1, strText2 [,str3]) The encoding is performed on the second parameter only.
WriteT3Br(str1, strText2 [,str3]) The encoding is performed on the second parameter only.

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