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Session Class

The Session is a repertory to share data between pages. The report generator resets the script at the beginning of each page and the Session object is the only mechanism to preserve data when the script terminates. Please notice the Session is for sharing data between pages, not between reports. You get a new Session object each time you generate a report.

The Session object is an instance of the ObjectRepertory class. Whatever you can do with an ObjectRepertory, you can do it with the Session object.

Session(strKey) = oGenericObject		' Store generic object to the Session
Set oGenericObject = Session(strKey)	' Retrieve generic object from the session

There are many uses for the Session object. For instance, you may have one page displaying all the names sorted alphabetically and want to have another page displaying an index of those names. Instead of repeating the code to generate a full list of names and to generate the index, you can use the Session to store the unique names. Later, you can retrieve the unique names from the session and generate the index of names. Similarly, you may have one page generating a picture album and another page creating a summary of the picture album. Instead of repeating the code on two pages, you can use the Session object to store picture summary details.

The Session object is an instance of the ObjectRepertory class. Whatever you can do with with an ObjectRepertory, you can do it with the Session object.

Set oDictionary = Util.NewStringDictionary()
Session("oDictionary") = oDictionary
Session("strTitleReport") = "My Report"
Session("cMaximumPicturesPerPage") = 20
To access an object from the Session, use the following syntax:
Set oDictionary = Session("oDictionary")
Report.WriteText Session("strTitleReport")
cPicturesMax = Session("cMaximumPicturesPerPage")

You will find sample code using the Session object in the file Init.htm. The code is well documented and you can modify it to tweak the report to your needs.

Memory Life Cycle:
Any object or value stored in the Session object will be automatically freed when the report engine shuts down. You don't have to any special processing to unload the objects from memory - GenoPro does it automatically for you. To explicitly unload an object from memory, just set its value to Nothing.

Session("oDictionary") = Nothing

See Also:


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