The Eleven Essential Features of Sound Genealogy Software
Written by Daniel Morin.
Avoid making the costly mistake of spending your valuable time and energy
with a genealogy software not suitable for your needs. Here are the eleven
essential features to consider before purchasing your genealogy software.
GenoPro's solution to the 11 essential features is written in the dotted
#1. Unicode Support. Unicode is about storing
and displaying symbols from different alphabets. There is no substitute for
Unicode. If a genealogy software does not mention Unicode, it is because it
does not support Unicode. Most genealogy titles have been written without
genuine support for foreign characters, meaning no Unicode support. By
tracing your roots, you will find ancestors and relatives living in
different countries having family names spelled with non-English characters.
A quick test to see if a software may support Unicode is to type
"André" and search for "Andre". Both names are the same, however most
genealogy software will treat those names as different. Also, a non-Unicode
software will place the letter "é" after the letter "z" rather than treating
it like a variant of the letter "e". If your genealogy software cannot
handle French accents, think about the problem you will face when entering a
surname or a city name in Chinese, Hebrew or Russian. Accents are very
important and you cannot ignore them without changing the pronunciation
and/or the meaning of the word containing the accent. Unicode is about
accuracy and future growth.

How GenoPro handles Unicode...
GenoPro has full support for Unicode. GenoPro has supported Unicode from it's original development. GenoPro
even has translations to languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and
Russian. GenoPro has received thousands of genealogy trees containing
names from different languages. If you are considering another genealogy
title, make sure it does support Unicode. If Unicode is not mentioned as
a feature, it is very likely it is not supported.
Learn more about Unicode. |
#2. Graphical Pedigree Tree. Make sure your genealogy software can
display a complete graphical representation of your
genealogy tree. Can you see both ancestor and descendants at once? Make sure
you are
not limited to
either direct descendants or direct ancestors charts. A graphical family
tree is very important to display real life scenarios. Is your genealogy
software able to display a second or a third spouse, to distinguish adoptive
parents from biological parents, to distinguish between true siblings,
half-siblings and step-siblings, and display twins and triplets? The
graphical pedigree helps to find common mistakes such as a the birth of a
child before its parents. This may sound obvious, but you will be amazed how
many genealogy titles do not have adequate visual output. It is much more
interesting to visualize a graphical tree than to walk through a list of
names sorted alphabetically. Also, if you have a graphical tree, you can
print it, copy & paste it to another application. If your genealogy software
does not provide a graphical pedigree tree, you are missing an important
aspect of genealogy research.

How GenoPro handles graphical pedigree trees...
GenoPro's architecture was designed to create graphical pedigree
trees and
genograms. Using the mouse, you can position each individual
where you want them to appear on the tree layout, or use the
AutoArrange to have GenoPro pick a family tree layout for you.
GenoPro's first feature was its graphical pedigree tree, with a stunning
zoom ranging from 5% to 1000%. Most genealogy software will offer a zoom
at 50%, 100% and 200%. With GenoPro, you can pick any value within 5%
and 1000% allowing you to view dozens of generations at once. Increasing
and decreasing the zoom is as easy as spinning
the mouse wheel. You can also zoom in and out by using the toolbar
buttons. |
#3. Integration. Can you copy & paste your genealogy tree to a
PowerPoint presentation or a Word document? Can you copy your genealogy data
to a spreadsheet? Can you export your genealogy data to Gedcom or XML for
third party tools to analyze your genealogy data and/or generate a report on
the web? GEDCOM is an acronym for Genealogical Data
Communication; it's a method of formatting the text of your family data
so that different software programs and operating systems can read and
understand it. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the
industry standard for large-scale electronic publishing and storing complex
databases. XML is used by office products such as spreadsheets and word
processors, books, manuals, emails, news services, search engines, catalog
sheets, configuration files, product specifications, data-driven web sites,
and more. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity by having a genealogy
software not supporting XML. If you purchase a genealogy software that does
not provide the support to import and export your data, your family data may
be locked forever in a proprietary database format, meaning you will have to
restart from scratch if you choose another genealogy software.

How GenoPro integrates with other software...
GenoPro was designed to interact with other applications. First,
GenoPro uses the XML as its core data format, so third party
applications can open its files to analyze, edit or generate family
trees. Using GenoPro's Table Layout,
you can copy your data into a spreadsheet to perform some processing, or
paste data from a spreadsheet into GenoPro. You can also copy and paste
your genogram into any Microsoft office application or image processing
program such as Photoshop.
GenoPro can import and export Gedcom so you can
exchange your genealogy data with other genealogy titles. |
#4. Generate Reports. Can you generate rich HTML reports? HTML
reports with hyperlinks are wonderful for navigating through a genealogy
database. Clicking on a hyperlink would bring the details of that
individual, family or picture.

How GenoPro generates reports...
GenoPro is equipped with an impressive
report generator, a feature you will not find elsewhere. Under the
hood, GenoPro uses state of the art technology used by Microsoft to
power their web servers. The end result is not surprising: with a few
mouse clicks, you can generate a rich multi-page HTML report with a
picture slide show along with an
interactive graphical tree in SVG.
You have to generate such a report yourself to see how powerful
GenoPro's report generator really is. You are also welcome to see sample
reports generated by GenoPro users on our server: |
#5. Customize Reports. Can you modify a report once it has been
generated? If your genealogy software does print the report directly, you
are out of luck. You want a report stored on a file where you can use your
favorite word processor to add missing information or remove sensitive data.
A good genealogy software will allow you to customize the report
template(s), thus allowing you to control what data to insert in the report.
By modifying the report template, you will save valuable time by generating
the report you want. Report customization is a topic of its own. Most
genealogy software claims it allows customization, but the only available
customization is to change the title or the font of the report. Pay close
attention to the flexibility and agility of the report generator. Does the
report generator support scripting such as VBScript of JavaScript and
capable to load COM modules to interact with other external databases?

How you can customize your report using GenoPro...
When it comes to customizing a report, there is nothing comparable to
GenoPro's report generator. Every installation of GenoPro includes the
full source code for each built-in report. With one mouse click, you can
start customizing any report you wish.
No need to learn a new programming language to
customize or create a report. GenoPro's report generator uses
popular scripting languages such as VBScript and JavaScript, in addition
of supporting the built-in ASP
objects. Better, GenoPro has additional objects to make it easy to
generate reports, including data sorters, dictionaries, and a powerful
phrase generator capable of generating narrative phrases.
The sky is the limit! What you can imagine in your report, GenoPro can
generate it for you. GenoPro can load custom COM modules made in other
programming languages such C++, C#, VB.NET or Java and/or connect to
external databases such as Microsoft SQL, MySQL, or Oracle to fetch the
data you need for your report.
GenoPro's report generator is so flexible that the report skin named
English Narrative Report was created by one of our customer wishing
to customize his report. After having customized his report,
Ron Prior
submitted his narrative report into our
support forum so others can
benefit from his work. Ron did such a nice job that we scrapped our own
report to include a copy of the English Narrative Report
as a showcase for the report generator. Later, Ron customized the
report even more by adding interactive scalable-vector graphic (SVG).
Since then, the English Narrative Report has been translated
into several languages. If you visit, you will find some of those reports
completely written into non-English languages. With the permission of
the authors, we have included these report templates into GenoPro. |
#6. Custom Data Fields. Can the genealogy software you are
considering store additional data specific for your needs? For instance, you
may want to trace the genealogy of a family having a genetic medical
disease. In this case, you would use the user-defined fields to store
information about the disease, diagnosis and lab results. In another case,
you may want to record the performances of each athlete in a hockey team
recording the statistics for each season. In a family having a strong
military service, you may want to enter the military grade and other
relevant military details. There will always be an additional piece of
information you will need to enter regardless how many pre-defined data
fields are available. Custom data fields allow flexibility. Having custom
data fields is not enough. You want to make sure those custom fields are
accessible. Next you need to look on the level of customization. This is why
the custom data fields are so important.

How GenoPro supports custom data fields...
Most genealogy titles have room for a few user-defined tags; GenoPro
lets you have as many as you wish. Using the
Tag Editor, you can create an unlimited number of custom fields.
When the number of custom fields cannot fit in one tab (dialog), you may
split them to another tab; otherwise, GenoPro will display a scroll bar
in the dialog.
Each object has room for its own user-defined tags: individuals,
families, pictures, places, and sources. For instance, you may have a
custom field for your pictures such as the name of the photographer, the
camera and the objective lens. Similarly, you may wish to have custom
tags for a place to record the owner, lot number, evaluation, and some
other information relevant to you.
All custom tags are editable from the
Table Layout. Custom tags are typically located in the right-most
column; however, they can be anywhere if you
customize the order of columns in the
Table Layout.
User-defined data fields are also accessible through the
report generator. If you generate
a report using the skin named English Narrative Report, you
will see the custom fields in the HTML pages. If you visit Harry
Potter's report (
and click on the
you will see the following custom fields: Blood Purity,
Film Portrayal and House.
Using the Display menu, you can display any custom tag
you want fr om your
#7. Compile Statistics. Statistics are very important to find
potential mistakes in your genealogy tree. For instance, by looking at the
oldest individuals, you may find a mistake in the date of birth or date of
death. Statistics are good for curiosity, such as who has been married the
most often, who got the most children, how many individuals have been
adopted, what was the youngest/oldest parent, etc. The more statistics
available, the more interesting genealogy will be.

How GenoPro compiles statistics...
GenoPro's Table Layout is the most
powerful tool to find errors and/or display statistics about your
ancestry. The Table Layout is able to sort any column: names, age,
number of pictures, number of children or number of mates (spouses). The
Table Layout is extremely flexible; you can hide any data from the grid
to refine your search. For example, you would like to find all females
over 70 with more than 5 children. Using GenoPro's Table Layout, you
click on the gender column. This will sort all the individuals by
gender, thus grouping a males and females together. Holding down the
Shift key, you can select all the males and hide them from the Table
Layout using the following toolbar button
Repeat again by clicking on the column named Age to sort by
age, and remove all individuals (females) less than 70. Next, click on
the column Children Count to sort by number of children.
Remove all individuals (females) having less or equal than 5 children.
As a result, the Table Layout will display only the females over 70 with
more than 5 children. You can copy & paste the entire content of the
Table Layout into a spreadsheet program to "save" your search result.
Finding mistakes requires a bit of extra work, however some columns are
great to find common errors:
1. Age. This column displays the age of the individual. Any negative
age is obviously an error. The same assumption can be made for ages over
2. Age of Mother at Birth. This column displays how old the mother was
when the individual was born. Again, a negative age is an error,
however the range is much less, typically ranging from 15 to 55. For
instance, it would be an error to have an 8-year-old girl as a "mother",
or a mother having a child at the ripe old age of 88.
3. Age at Child Birth. This column displays the age of a mother at
child birth. Usually, there is a continuity in child births, as it is
very rare that a mother has two children in the same year or two
children with a 20-year gap in between. Using this Table Layout column,
you can quickly spot potential errors in your family tree. |
#8. More Than Ancestry. Does the genealogy software you are
considering include other elements emotional relationships like friendship,
love, harmony, distrust, jealousy and hostility? Can you include complex
social relationships?

How GenoPro display more than ancestry...
GenoPro does a lot more than ancestry. In fact, more than half of our
customers are professionals, such as social workers, therapists, and
health professionals.
Using GenoPro, you can document an entire community, from blood lines to
adoption, including
social relationships and
emotional relationships. GenoPro also displays special symbols to
distinguish different family relationships
such as marriage, divorce, cohabitation and love affairs. GenoPro also
has 33 built-in emotional relationships, with colors and line styles to
help you see the global picture of the relationships between family
members. Documenting the family emotional relationships is very
important, as some love affairs or grave quarrels have changed the
course of history.
#9. Easy Navigation. Can you navigate easily through your genealogy
data? Let's say you are editing an individual and want to change the date of
birth of one of his children. Is the child easily accessible, or do you have
to go back to the master list and perform a query to find the child? Easy
navigation is also a channel to get statistics and instant reports. If an
individual has been married four times, can you quickly access each spouse
with a single mouse click? Can you do the same with adoptive parents, twin
sibling, pictures, etc?

How GenoPro handles easy navigation...
GenoPro offers a wealth of functionalities to navigate through your
genealogy data. The most obvious feature is its graphical tree with its
easy-to-use zoom, making navigation as intuitive as reading a map. To
simplify the navigation furthermore, GenoPro has introduced a novel
concept to split a large family tree into smaller sub-trees. With a few
mouse clicks, you can move a branch of a family tree into a different
GenoMap. The individuals common to both GenoMaps will be
hyperlinked, allowing navigation from one GenoMap to another with a
simple mouse click.
The Table Layout is also a big
helper offering two distinct navigational features:
1. Each time you select a row in the Table Layout, its corresponding
individual or family is selected in the graphical display. This is
extremely useful if you do not remember the position of an individual or
family in the graphical display, but you know you can find it in the
Table Layout by searching by the name or by some other method. The
Table Layout also has a built-in
Find dialog where you can search text in any column.
2. The Table Layout has hyperlinks to jump from one individual to
another. The hyperlinks are also very useful to "drill down" and find
more information about a picture, place or source/citation. The Table
Layout maintains a full history of visited hyperlinks so you can go back
to your original selection anytime you want.
GenoPro also supports bookmarks to
enhance navigation. A bookmark can follow a graphical object such as an
individual or a family, or remember a particular position (x,y) on the
graphical display. When you invoke a bookmark, GenoPro will scroll the
display to center the target object or position x,y. Bookmarks are
accessible from the Table Layout and you can have an unlimited number of
them. You can bind up to 9 bookmarks to a hotkey.
Each individual or family can be opened from a plain double-click to
view additional information. When viewing the properties of an
individual, click on the Family
tab where can view a summary of all relatives (parents, siblings,
mates and children). Similarly, you can click on the Family's
Summary tab to view a summary of
a family which includes the parents, children and other spouses and
children interacting with this family. |
#10. Auto-Completion Auto-completion is a feature used to enter
information into form input fields. Due to the nature of the genealogical
data to be entered into the program, for example, repeated family names and
places, it is beneficial to have a feature that can save you redundant
typing and help reduce potential errors.

How GenoPro includes text auto-completion...
Every data field in GenoPro supports auto-completion. GenoPro's
auto-completion is one step ahead the typical auto-complete by
displaying the frequency of each unique instances of text.
In the example above, there are 5 individuals with the last name
"Martin" and one individual having the name "Matin". The surname "Matin"
could be a typo, especially if the siblings are named "Martin". Also,
there are 128 instances of the surname "Morin" and one instance of
". Notice the space after "Morin" is not visible on the display,
however the auto-completion handles "Morin" and "Morin
" as distinct text. By removing the tailing space we have now 129
In genealogy, names do repeat often. The auto-completion will save you
hours of tedious work and give you peace of mind for data integrity. |
#11. Low System Impact. If you need a
reboot after installing a genealogy software, you are in serious
trouble. This is not a joke or a clever sales pitch. It is like
suggesting to replace your engine to fix a flat tire. Some software does
overwrite system files with their own outdated files, thus requiring a
reboot for the changes to take effect. Any software that does overwrite
system files may eventually stop working on a newer version of Windows, or
worse, cause Windows to stop working after the reboot.
Here are a four clues to spot bad software:
1) No uninstall available. A genealogy software unable to uninstall itself
is a leech on your system. There is probably a good reason why the software
is unable to uninstall itself: it has overwritten some system files and
cannot undo what was done.
2) Pay close attention for a "backup" option when installing. Why do you
need to perform a backup when installing a new software? Well, such poorly
written software will "backup" the system files before overwriting them,
thus putting the burden on you if anything goes wrong. Unfortunately, the
next time you install the same software, the backup will overwrite its first
backup, leaving you without the original system files. You are out of luck,
and it is "your fault" since you answered "yes" to perform a backup twice.
Stay away from this kind of junkware.
3) Look at the size of the download package. If you have to download an
install program of 15 MB for a modest genealogy program, be careful. It is
likely the download package does contains 14 MB of system files and 1 MB of
genealogy software. If you are suspicious, go visit the home page of the
software maker and read the FAQ about the installation. Usually, it is all
written there, although the designers don't brag about it.
4) Read the bug history. Poorly written software have an extensive bug
history with bugs specific to a particular version of Windows. A well
written genealogy software should run flawlessly on all version of Windows.
If you wish to predict the future, look at the past. A buggy software is
likely to have bugs in the future, and a software who had compatibility
issues when upgrading Windows is likely to stop working next time you
upgrade Windows and/or buy a new machine.

How GenoPro has little impact on your machine...
GenoPro does not modify nor install any system files. All files required
to run GenoPro are copied in the folder where you install GenoPro during
setup. You can install GenoPro in any folder you wish, and you can
uninstall GenoPro without leaving any leftover files. GenoPro's
installer is entirely optional, as you can simply double-click on the
file GenoPro.exe and have it fully running. The benefits of using the
installer is the creation of shortcuts in the Start menu as well as
having a few sample family trees. Uninstalling GenoPro is done from the
Windows Control Panel or by deleting the folder containing GenoPro.
Installing GenoPro produces a very small footprint on your computer.
The whole download package of GenoPro is less
than 7 MB GenoPro can run perfectly on older hardware, Windows XP to Windows 10 are fully supported.
GenoPro continues to be maintained, updated and tested on newer operating systems and computers.
GenoPro was developed using the same programming language and tools used
for the development of Microsoft Office and Windows itself. The code
written uses clean programming techniques to ensure the software will
run on future releases of Windows. It is worthy to mention that the
original GenoPro version 1.00, released in June 1998, runs on all
platforms from Windows 95 to Windows Vista. Purchasing GenoPro is a
wise investment, as GenoPro will run on standard hardware for the next
decades. You won't have the dilemma of having to keep your old computer
to use some genealogy software unable to run on modern hardware.
* With 4 MB of RAM on your machine, you will be limited to a family tree
of about one thousand individuals. You will need more memory if your
document is larger or if you have a large number of pictures in your
family tree. |
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