Individual Death Properties
Information related to a member that is deceased.
If the individual is still alive, this check box will not be checked and all other boxes will be grayed out. If the individual
is dead, a cross (X) will be displayed on the genealogy tree to indicate that the member is dead.
If you enter a date of death, the age at the time of death will be displayed inside the gender symbol.

Death symbol with unknown and known age.
Date of Death
Enter a date greater than the date of birth. If you try to enter a date prior the date of birth, GenoPro will ask
you to enter a valid date.
An optional text field to specify the age at death. For instance, the birth date and death date can be unknown but
the age could be known. There is no validation over this field; it could include words like "5 months".
Date of Birth
Always read-only, the date of birth is only a copy of the birth date entry
to serve as a reference purpose for calculations.
Place of Death
Refer to the location where the individual actually died.

Reference where the death information have been taken.

Cause of Death
Specify how the individual died. This field is used to generate reports and display statistics about a family. GenoPro
lists a series of possible causes of death. If the reason is not in the list, you can specify it in the text below.
 Possible causes
of death
- Natural / Old Age
- Stroke
- Hearth Attack
- Cardiac Arrest
- Other Hearth Disease
- Cancer
- Alzheimer
- Nephritis / Kidney Failure
- Respiratory Problem and/or Pneumonia
- AIDS /
- Other Medical Problem
- Accident / Injury
- Murder / Assassination
- War
- Execution
- Terrorist Attack
- Suicide
- Giving Birth
- Abortion
- Miscarriage (death of a fetus
having less than 28 completed weeks)
- Stillbirth / At Birth (delivery of a dead fetus at or after 28 completed weeks)
Infant (death of a liveborn child during its first year of life)
- Childhood Disease (child must be younger than the
age of 8)
- Natural Hazards (Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Wildfires, Floods, Tsunamis)
- Unknown / Mystery
Date and Time
Date of the funeral.
Funeral Agency
The name of the company that took charge of the funeral.
Place of Funeral
Location where the funeral took place.

Reference used for information on the death.

Final Disposition / Burial
Date and Time
Date of the burial.
Information on the final disposition the individuals remains. Choices are: Burial, Cremation, Entombment, Body Donation
or Body Never Found.
The location where the body or what is remaining of the body or the remains have been placed.
Reference used to find out where the final disposition / burial information have been taken.

Any important/relevant information relating to the death of the individual. You may enter a short description of
the circumstances surrounding the death or the funerals.
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There is a shortcut to mark an individual as being dead from the GenoPro interface without having to open the member property.
Select one or many the individuals and press the "X" key on your keyboard. Pressing the key again will mark them
alive. | | | | |
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