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GenoPro Setup on Linux with Wine

You may un GenoPro on Linux using the Wine emulator.

While it is out of the scope of this document and because so many versions and tweaks of Wine exist, we will not show you how to install and configure it. However, many resources are available online to help you, starting with the official Wine Website, Wine HQ.

1. Start XWindows!

Most recent desktop Linux systems show a graphical interface upon bootup, however it might not be the case for you. Wine, as well as GenoPro, are graphical applications that will not work on a text-only console! Issue the command startx to start XWindows.

Just like Wine, it is unfortunately out of the scope of this page to explain how to install / run and/or configure XWindows. It comes standard with most Linux distributions, but it might not be installed on your computer. Please refer to the official XWindows Website or to your Linux documentation for more help.

2. Downloading InstallMfcDLL.exe

GenoPro relies on libraries that come standard in most versions of Microsoft Windows operating system, but not on Wine. We have packaged the required files that you will need to install prior to running GenoPro.

Be aware that file names in Linux are case-sensitive. Package names downloaded from the GenoPro server contain uppercase letters.

Use your favorite Linux Web browser or any other available tool to search for and download InstallMfcDLL.exe We recommend downloading with Wget as it is fast and available on most base linux systems.

Sorry, we no longer provide a direct link to the download.

3. Downloading InstallGenoPro.exe

As you have done with InstallMfcDLL.exe, you can now download InstallGenoPro.exe into the same folder. Again, point your favorite Web browser to or download using Wget.

=> InstallGenoPro.exe
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1,077,760 (1.0M) [application/octet-stream]

100%[====================================>] 1,077,760 74.43K/s ETA 00:00

16:03:58 (68.14 KB/s) - InstallGenoPro.exe saved [1077760/1077760]

4. Install InstallMfcDLL.exe

On some Linux systems, simply double-clicking on a Microsoft Windows executable file will not launch it. If you want to make sure that your application is properly initialized, pass the application name as an argument to Wine from a terminal window. Not only this will give you more control of what happens, but precious debugging information will then be shown.

From the terminal window you had previously opened in step 2, or in a new one, just go to the directory where your InstallMfcDLL.exe file is located and run it using wine:
wine InstallMfcDLL.exe

A dialog box will show up asking you if you want to install the required files. Just click Yes to install them.

Install InstallMfcDLL.exe

A message will pop up when the installation is completed.

Install InstallMfcDLL.exe

5. Install InstallGenoPro.exe

From a terminal window, please run the GenoPro installation file you had downloaded:
wine InstallGenoPro.exe

The installation process will start.

a) Click on the button I accept the agreement if you agree to the License Agreement.

b) Click on the Install button.

Install InstallGenoPro.exe

6. Locate the GenoPro application file

Unlike on Microsoft Windows operating systems, the installer cannot add a shortcut to your Desktop or Start Menu. GenoPro will run by itself after the installation if you have selected the Launch GenoPro after install option. However, subsequent use of the application will require that you know exactly where GenoPro.exe is located. You do not have to re-install GenoPro everytime you want to use it!

On our test system, and by default with our version of Wine, it creates a pseudo C drive under our home directory. GenoPro would then be under [home]/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/GenoPro

From a terminal window, go to that directory and run GenoPro.exe:
cd ~
cd ".wine/drive_c/Program Files/GenoPro"
wine GenoPro.exe

If you can not find the application GenoPro.exe try searching for it with find or consult your Wine parameters, just by typing wine without any argument and pressing the Configure Wine button once it is loaded.

You have now installed GenoPro. You will see the Registration dialog to optionally request a free evaluation key. To get started, we invite you to read our introduction Get Started Building My Family Tree

Here is a screenshot of GenoPro running on Wine displaying Harry Potter's Genogram:

GenoPro running on Wine 


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