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GenoPro Account Recovery

To recover your lost registration keyHelp and/or your account passwordHelp, you must have GenoPro installed.  When you start GenoPro, you will see the Registration Wizard, as in the screenshot below:

Recover Lost Registration Key

To recover your registration key, select the option I purchased GenoPro, however I lost my registration key and click on the button Next. (if you do not see this option, please upgrade GenoPro)

GenoPro Account Recovery

Then, you have two options:

  •  If your email address is still valid, just enter your email address and click on the button Next. The server will immediately send you an email message with your registration key and account password.  Check your mail and copy & paste your registration key into the dialog below.
  • If you no longer have access to your old email address, then enter the email you purchased GenoPro and type a description of your GenoPro account.  We have customers using multiple email addresses and are unable to remember which email address they purchased GenoPro, so you may enter as many emails as you have.  Our staff will search the database to find an email address with a registration key.

    What is important is to describe your GenoPro account, such as the approximate date you purchased GenoPro and any activity done with our account.  For instance, let us know if you GenoPro account has any publications at, any backup, or if you sent files to other users, or if you received files from other GenoPro users.

Enter your current email address

After completing your name and current email address, click on the Next button.  GenoPro will display a message it has received your request to update your email address.


All requests are processed manually, so you should receive within two business days an email message about the status of your account recovery.  You will receive an email message if your old email address was updated or if he account recovery failed.

To protect the privacy of our customers from account hijacking, we manually process all requests.  We may contact you for additional information about your old GenoPro account.  Some accounts have backups and family tree files containing sensitive information.  If we suspect someone is trying to steal the account of another GenoPro user, we will try to contact the owner at the old email address for a confirmation.

Temporary Evaluation Key

Meanwhile we process your account recovery, the server will send you a temporary evaluation key by email.

Activate Key

What is the difference between a Registration Key and Password?

Some users are confused between a registration key and a password.

  • A registration key is recommended for using GenoPro.  The registration key is a serial number generated by the server at the moment you request your free evaluation key with the Registration Wizard, or at the moment you purchase GenoPro online.  Your GenoPro account may contain multiple registration keys if you purchased multiple licenses.
  • A password is necessary for accessing your account at  Your password is private to you, and you are welcome to change it anytime.  With your password, you may post messages to the support form at, publish your family tree at, make backups, send files to other users, open your inbox.  You are welcome to enter multiple email addresses to your GenoPro account, so if one email stops working, you still have access your GenoPro account with another email address.  Regardless on the number of email addresses you have, you only have one password to remember.

When you ask GenoPro to resend your registration key by email, the email message you will receive from us will contain your password and your registration key.

See also:

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